You know that old saying, Caught between a rock and a hard place? Well, I'm in a position like that right now. My Interview is done and is posted, however, there is still a massive amount of work to finish for my paper and my portfolio. I still have to finish up my abstract, my paper is just screaming at me to get started on it, and I need to add more sources for my annotated bibliography. This has not been the easiest paper for me to write, just because I'm so confused of what I can use for sources. I can honestly say I'm a bit scared, just because I think my paper is different than most. I'm also a bit nervous about my portfolio, I have done a bit more work on my portfolio than my paper, but, that does not mean I can just sit back and relax. I plan to work like crazy over this week, I cannot afford to have any more major mistakes.

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